Head of the Laboratory

  • Head of the Laboratory – PhD Artur Tadeusz Krzyżak
    Head of the Laboratory – PhD Artur Tadeusz Krzyżak

Team members

Head of the Laboratory – PhD Artur Tadeusz Krzyżak

Head of the Laboratory

Physicist with 20 years experience in tomographic examinations using NMR methods of medical and petrophysical issues. Currently, working on the issues of nuclear magnetic resonance methods in the aspect of: new theoretical solutions, their applications, and the construction of prototypes of inventions in the geological, bio-medical and material engineering fields.

emailto: akrzyzak@agh.edu.pl
phone number:+48 12 617 52 91

List of publications

Research Gate profile

PhD Iwona Habina

email: ihabina@agh.edu.pl

PhD Grzegorz Stoch

email: greg.stoch@outlook.com

PhD Krzysztof Kłodowski

email: klodowski@fis.agh.edu.pl

MScEng Adam Fheed – PhD student

email: fheed@agh.edu.pl

Strona Internetowa

MScEng Weronika Mazur – PhD student

email: weronika1734@gmail.com

MScEng Karol Borkowski – PhD student

email: karolbo@o2.pl

MScEng Natalia Radzik – PhD student

email: radzik@agh.edu.pl